In the 1960's it was safe in our small community to leave children in the car for brief moments as you dashed into a store. Our grocery store was two doors down from a restaurant where I took the children each Wednesday to eat lunch while Wayne was at the local cattle sale. The restaurant was owned by a woman who had a son who was well known as a “Ladies man.” It was rumored he was fathering three children at this time. He also helped in the restaurant.
One Wednesday, I needed to make a quick run into the grocery store. Since I had seven children at this time, it was a chore to take all of them into a store with me, especially for such a short time. I gave the older children orders to keep the little ones from rolling the windows up, because it was warm outside and not to let them open the doors, nor talk to strangers.
The streets were busy with many people who knew me and my large family as well. I opened the door and was about to enter the store when I noticed the restaurant owner emerge from the restaurant. About that time little Karen, our three year old, who was just now talking plainly, leaned way out of the car window and pointed to the ladies man and loudly yelled "Hey Mommie, there's the man you see in the rest room all of the time.”
All heads turned toward me. I did hear some snickers and others looked puzzled. I went quickly inside and almost forgot what I was going in for. You can bet when I got back to the car I explained to Karen what the difference was between a rest room and a restaurant!!