David was about three years old when our 9 children and I attended Sunday school at the Byron Christian church. David’s Primary/Nursery class room was behind the back wall where the pulpit, piano and organ sat. The older children had classes in the basement while we adults had class in the back pews of the sanctuary. Our church was and still is a very small rural country church nestled in the center of Byron.
We were well into our Sunday school lesson when I saw a motion at the back of the podium. I looked up and there stood David grinning from ear to ear. He was standing in front of the organ with his arms full of tubes that he had quietly pulled from their sockets from the back of the organ. It was one of those times when you knew not to panic or he would have dropped the delicate items. He was so proud of his cache. Several people gasped at what they saw. I eased my way to where he stood still clutching his arm full of his booty. Another lady helped me gently unload them from his arms.
David had somehow slipped away from class and his Sunday school teacher, Grace Settle, while she was distracted. Grace was a very mellow person and never required the children to sit in their seats while she taught them. She heard the commotion and came to the door to see what was going on. She was aghast at what had happened and felt badly it was done under her care. Her huge brown eyes were wide open and all she could muttered was “Oh my, oh my.”
We only used the piano the rest of that day. Luckily someone guessed right as to where some of the tubes fit and the organ was as good as ever. I do not remember why there was no back covering on the organ that day, but there was certainly one covering the tubes from that day on.