When Willis, Lila and I were young kids back in the 1930 and 40's, we often played in a grove of trees about a quarter of a mile southeast of our house. For some reason Mama always Cawed like a crow when she wanted us to come to the house. Mama could mimic a crow's call perfectly. We knew that when Mama called for us we had better get moving or there was a price to pay when we got home late.

There were way too many times we thought we heard a crow's caw and stopped playing then rushed home to find it was not Mama at all but an actual crow. A few times we got in trouble when we decided it was not Mama calling and stayed in the grove playing. We had a lot of crows on our farm. I can remember flocks of them circling the farm. They nested mostly in our grove.

The eggs of the crows we had on our farm were white and quite large; about half the size of a chicken egg. Most nests had three eggs but sometimes we found four or more; we felt that was a bonus. Daddy and Mama found crows intrusive and destructive. They ate most anything from field grains, insects, worms, small animals as well as robbing small birds from nests. So we kids often climbed up to their nests and had fun breaking their eggs. Our parents did not care as long as it was not our song birds.

After I got older, I often wondered why Mama used the crow caw call method of calling us home. Perhaps our Grandma or Grandpa Clover did that when Mama was small or did it carry down the generations from other grandparents. I would guess it came from Mama's side of the family because Daddy would shout for us to come to the house. Why did I never ask Mama?

Any copyright remains with the artist.
There is no commercial use of it.

Created December 27, 2020

Updated: 14 June, 2021

Webmaster ~ Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at"gmail.com

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