2002… Willis Caywood, Lila Caywood Leslie and Lois Caywood Guffy standing in front of the remodeled house where I was born on Jan 23, 1931. The Otto Weischold house is located 5 miles NE of Nash, OK. The pencil sketch was made by my brother Willis as the house and surroundings looked in 1931. The room where I was born is behind the window above my head. Willis drew the awesome sketch from his memory of when he was five years old. He never saw the house after we moved away until 2002.
I was born on Jan 23, 1931 five miles S.E. of Nash, OK on the old Otto Weishold place. My brother Willis was four and a half years old at the time. He has given me a detailed account of my home birth on that chilly January day. Willis may have been very young at this time, but he clearly remembered “Old Doc Tucker” coming to our home in his horse drawn buggy for my delivery. Although there were many cars around the Nash area in 1931, Doctor J. Marshall Tucker did not own one. He made all of his house calls by this mode of transportation. He made house calls at our home before my birth too.
When Doctor Tucker drove into the yard, Uncle Walt Giles took hold of Willis's hand and told him it was time for them to go to the river which was a few yards north of the house. Willis went reluctantly, because he knew something was going on with his mother. Uncle Walt finally told him that his mama was having a baby, but that only made Willis want to go back to the house even more. The river was not far enough away for him not to hear the wails mama made during my birth. I was born at 3:30 PM that Friday and weighed 8 pounds.
Willis was born in Tucson, AZ in a huge hospital, so the home delivery with me was quite different for mama. My grandmother, Emma Caywood was a midwife and was there, so most likely she aided in my birth. Grandma Ellen Cover was there too as well as daddy's sister Opal. She and Uncle Walter were living with mama and daddy at the time.
Doc Tucker had a very bad cold when I was born. Mama always thought he passed it on to me and it developed into pneumonia for me soon after my birth. I have always has some doubts about that theory, because I have had asthma very badly all of my life and had many bouts with asthma attacks that resembled pneumonia.
Grandpa Clover said I was the prettiest of the three grandchildren born close to my birth. No one has any baby pictures of me to prove his statement to be a true fact, but I would like to think he was correct.