My parents were teetotalers, but Mama grew up with her 12 siblings and a dad who made home brew. They were what most might call rednecks, but such great people. Grandma Ellen Clover even smoked a corn cob pipe when she was a young woman. After she quit smoking, she sneaked chews from Grandpa Philip Clover’s tobacco plugs. My mother did not even know she did that until my brother Willis told her about it when he was grown. He caught her standing on a chair getting it off a high shelf when he was just a little boy. He assumed she knew of Grandma’s secret

My dad's parents were also teetotalers. Grandpa John R. Caywood came from a very religious background from Kentucky where they were tobacco farmers. My great grandfather Mason Caywood smoked a pipe, but never drank anything with alcohol content.

One year in the 1940’s, when wild possum grapes were plentiful, Daddy made some wild grape wine. Each night, he would drink a part of a jigger full of his home-made brew before bedtime to make him relax. He said it made him sleep better. Lila and I begged for a taste, but I think drinking from the little Jigger is what we really wanted. I still like a good sweet glass of red wine now and then…. Did Daddy get me “Hooked”?

Any copyright remains with the artist.
There is no commercial use of it.

Created December 21, 2020

Updated: 14 June, 2021

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