Mama let me start to school in 1936 when I was only 5 years old. School was already in session, but I begged and begged her to let me attend. Mama finally decided if I wanted to go so badly I should go. I was a great student. I learned easily and was well behaved. Miss Edith Miller would pick me up and let me sit on her lap when I had a problem with anything. I was the “baby” of the 15 students at our one room country school.

The next fall we had a new teacher, Glen Yarnell. He visited all of the prospective students before school started. When he visited our house, Mama told him I was a young first grade student and he could place me in the first grade again or in the second grade, if he so chose. Willis had problems in school, so Mama felt I might do better if I took the class over. I would have been the only student in the second grade that year. Mr. Yarnell had three girls coming into the first grade that fall. I am sure he took the easy way out and placed me in the first grade so he would not have an extra class to teach.

After I had attended school for a short time, he realized I was so far ahead of the other three girls. Instead of placing me in the second grade, he sent me to the cloak room to play in the sandbox for the next several months while the first grade class was in session. He had never taught school before and taught us like an old school master. He was the opposite of our Miss Edith. She was a great teacher, but not so strict.

Now, just how many ways can one shift the sand around day after day and not get bored to death? Mr.Yarnell finally sent me back to class mid year. I had slipped in my learning habits, but I quickly caught up with the others. I feel he took a year away from me, because I quit school to get married when I was a junior. If I had been a senior, I would never have quit. I was always much older than my age anyway and was bored all of the way through school with the “babies” in my class. I even looked like I was much older.

It was and still is hard to tell anyone I took my first grade of school over. Most people would think I had problems. I had none; school was always very easy for me. I was ashamed to let anyone know I was “put” back. I saw my first grade teacher, Mrs. Edith Miller Kealhier formally of Jet, and now Helena, Ok, a few years ago. She told our kids what a smart little girl I was. I told her what had happened and she was shocked. Most likely, Mama never knew Mr. Yarnell had me playing in the sand box for so long. I never cared for school after that, but still maintained great grades all through my school years. Mr. Yarnell was really just my baby sitter that first year he taught me.

Music playing is: "School Days"
Any copyright remains with the artist.
The music is provided for entertainment purposes only.
There is no commercial use of it.

Created April 17, 2014

Updated: 13 June, 2021

Webmaster ~ Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at"

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