My parents did not have a telephone in 1947, so I had to be asked for dates in person. I am sure I missed a lot of dates because of that. My sister, Lila and I were friends of a guy named Clifford Green who lived in Alfalfa County to the west of us. He actually was smitten with Lila, so one day while he was at Wayne's parent’s home where Wayne happened to be that day, Clifford asked Wayne if he was interested in dating a good looking girl he knew. Wayne was interested, of course. That was also a way for Clifford to meet Lila again.
Wayne had a brand new 1947 Ford car and Clifford didn’t own a car. That early evening, they drove to my parent’s home some 6 miles away and found that Lila and I were not home. We had gone to Kansas with my brother, Willis and our dad to visit Caywood relatives. Mama was not feeling well and stayed home, so she was at home when Wayne and Clifford came. Mama knew the Greens well and knew some about Wayne's family, but did know they were very good people. She fell in love with Wayne right there on the spot. Mama visited with Clifford and Wayne for a long time that evening before they went home.
I had broken off a relationship with another guy just prior to this time. Mama felt if I had a new suitor, I might perk up a little bit, so she set a date for that Saturday on September 16th for Wayne to come back to see me. That also happened to be the annual "Old Settlers Day" at Wakita and I had always attended them. I thoroughly enjoyed the big carnivals that were held at the celebration. When we returned home, mama told me about the date she had made for me, I was very upset with her. She told me that if she was a young woman, she would really want to date such a nice handsome man. She finally convinced me that I should go with Wayne because he was such a nice person. Even though the subject never came up, mama thought Lila was too young to date at age 14 and would have not let her go with Clifford anyway.
Because of Clifford Green and my mother, Wayne and I had our first date with each other at the Annual Old Settler’s Day Reunion at Wakita, Oklahoma on September 16, 1947. I always teased mama that it was all her fault that I married Wayne. Mama and Wayne always thought a lot of each other.