After almost 61 years of marriage, I still vividly remember Wayne and my first quarrel. Of all things it was over pigs! Wayne was planning to take a load of the fattened critters to the local livestock sale and asked me to help him sort the fatter ones from the herd.

Wayne assumed I should or would be able to contain those 250 pounds pigs while sorting them into another pen. You can not stop a charging pig that is being chased by a madman... no way. When they started running at me full speed and crowding the gate that I was trying to hold, I had no choice, but to let them on through. After a few runs like this, Wayne was angry at me as he was the ornery pigs.

My 98 pound frame could not stop a 250 pound pig. I was to hold the large wooden sorting gate slightly open to let the big pigs through, then close it quickly to keep the rest of the herd from escaping through the opening.

I was pregnant and did not need to be in such a position anyway. I finally got upset and told Wayne I would chase the pigs and he could hold them back. He did just a bit better than I did. After finally getting enough fat pigs corralled and into the pickup, I went to the house crying. I was so disillusioned with the knowledge I received that day, finding out that he had such a short fuse. I had never seen him act like that before.

After Wayne finished securing the truck loaded with the 250 pound demons, he came to the house to apologize for the anger he displayed toward me. This was the first and only time Wayne ever verbally apologized to me for a wrong doing since we have been married.

Any copyright remains with the artist.
There is no commercial use of it.

Created December 21, 2020

Updated: 14 June, 2021

Webmaster ~ Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at"

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