Our two day Honeymoon consisted of our trip on Saturday, November 22, 1947 to Van Buren, Arkansas to get married and one night at the Twin Pines Motel in Van Buren, Arkansas and the trip back to our homes. The Honeymoon was short, but has been a wonderful memory for both of us.
We left for home early the next morning on Sunday after we were married. We got back to my parents house early evening, where we dropped Lila off. Wayne and I went to our home and I stayed until l0 PM, then Wayne took me back to my parent's home. I was not aware that dad knew I was married. I had planned to live at home until my 17th Birthday on January 23, 1948. Wayne had different ideas! He had planned for me to live with him long before that.
My dad awoke me the next morning by saying "Good morning, Mrs. Guffy.” I just smiled without opening my eyes and he told mom "See, I told you she got married" and then went out to do his chores. I really think my mom gave him enough hints that he figured it out. I am still not sure if he ever knew that she knew of our marriage plans all along. I did not go to my new home at Byron until the following Tuesday.
Wayne did not know my dad knew we had married or he would have come back for me that Monday. Mom and Dad did not have a telephone, so there was no easy way I could contact him. My parents and I went to the neighbors, May and Elmer Umbarger, to visit on Monday evening. Mae asked me when I was going to get married. Since our marriage was to be a secret, I did not know what to say, so I laughed and told her I would tell her later. It was a long time later when I saw her. She had never figured out what I meant. On Tuesday, November 25th, 1947, I went home with Wayne and stayed all of these years where we raised our 12 children.