For my first Christmas gift in 1947, Wayne bought some pajamas and a waffle iron for me. I had never worn pajamas for as long as I can remember, so I was surprised to get them from Wayne. I always thought men preferred for their wives to wear nightgowns. He bought the gifts while I was shopping with him about three weeks before Christmas. He had slipped away from me to purchase both gifts at the Sears and Roebuck Department Store in Enid, Oklahoma On the way home, he teased me about his secret purchase. When we arrived home he put them on top of our wardrobe closet and told me not to peek. I didn’t for a few days.

I was very curious as to what he had bought me and one day my curiosity got the better of me, so I stood on a chair to reach the package and barely tipped the lid to see the pajamas inside of the box. I took a quick peek at the waffle iron in another Sears sack too.

When Christmas came he gave me my gifts. I tried to look surprised and I really was when I opened up the pajamas and saw they were a size 14!! I wore a size 4-5 at that time. I never told him they were too big at first. I had to use a safety pin to make them stay on my small frame. They were uncomfortable so I did not wear them often.

Wayne later realized the PJ's consumed me. I asked why he chose that size for me. He said he told the lady clerk that he wanted to buy some pajamas for his wife. The lady showed him some in stock and he chose a pink plissé type with tiny dark pink roses. She asked him what size I wore. He did not know, so he looked around the store and pointed to a lady and said "she is about that size".

The woman chose the size 14 for me from his description of the lady Wayne pointed out in the store. I was a bit insulted, but never let on until much later. When I got pregnant with Wayne Jr, the pajamas began to fit better. I still wonder why he chose a lady of that size or if the clerk felt she should add a size or two to be safe.

I purchased a wedding ring for Wayne for his first gift from me. I ordered it from Sears. Now, we rarely buy any special Christmas gifts for each other. We both feel the children are most important for gift giving.

Any copyright remains with the artist.
There is no commercial use of it.

Created December 23, 2020

Updated: 14 June, 2021

Webmaster ~ Ray Clark ~ rayclark07"at"

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